
   開会の辞 青田昌秋 (オホーツク海氷海研究グループ会長)


座長:小野 延雄 (日本雪氷学会)

A-1 The dependence of the Okhotsk Sea Polynyas on fortnightly and interannual processes:
    S. Martin (Univ. of Washington, USA)
A-2 Climate change effects on the Alaska coastal environment of the Beaufort Sea :
    J. J. Kelley and A. S. Naidu (Univ. of Alaska, USA)
A-3 Future support for marine research in Alaska - The Alaska region research vessel:
    V. Alexander (Univ. of Alaska, USA)
A-4 Together with sea ice for over 30 years:
    青田 昌秋 (北海道大学)
A-5 An essay on the sea ice biota research:
    星合 孝男 (国立極地研究所)
A-6 Cryosphere-related projects at ETH Zurich:
    A. Ohmura (Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology, Switzerland)
A-7 Fate of primary production in two contrasted Arctic polynyas (Northeast Water and North Water) in late spring and early summer:
    L. Legendre (Villefranche Oceanography Laboratory, France), S. Pesant (Univ. of Western Australia) and
    Z. Mei (Laval Univ., Canada)

座長:福地 光男 (国立極地研究所)

A-8 Role of copepod herbivory in the North Water Polynya ecosystem:
    服部 寛, 小林 直司 (北海道東海大学), 三瓶 真 (石巻専修大学), 高橋 一生 (東北区水産研究所), M. Ringuette (Laval Univ., Canada),
    P. Saunders (Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, Canada), 佐々木 洋 (石巻専修大学), M. Fortier, L. Fortier (Laval Univ., Canada)
A-9 Development of ice algal community in the newly formed sea ice in Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan:
    今井 亜紀, 高砂 知史, 大井 信明, 柴田 晃, 田口 哲 (創価大学)
A-10 Saroma Ko; a natural laboratory for studying ocean/ice interaction:
    C. F. Postlethwaite (Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK), 白澤 邦男 (北海道大学),
    W. Jenkins (Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK)

座長:永田 豊 (海洋情報研究センター)

A-11 Renewal of bottom water in the Japan Sea:
    V. Lobanov, A. Salyuk, V. Ponomarev (V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Inst., Russia),
    L. Talley (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA), K. Kim, K.-R. Kim (Seoul Ntl. Univ., Rep. of Korea), P. Tishchenko,
    A. Nedashkovskiy, S. Sagalaev (V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Inst., Russia) and G. Kim (Seoul Ntl. Univ., Rep. of Korea)
A-12 Characteristics of the deep current structure in the southern part of the East Sea/Japan Sea:
    H. Shin (KongJu Ntl. Univ., Rep. of Korea) and H. Ahn (KORDI, Rep. of Korea)
A-13 An estimation of wind-driven component in the North Pacific subpolar gyre:
    道田 豊 (東京大学海洋研究所), 寄高 博行 (海上保安庁), 鈴木 亨 (海洋情報研究センター)
A-14 Skewness of occurrence frequency of water temperature, and locality of oceanic structure in the Subarctic North Pacific:
    小熊 幸子, 永田 豊, 鈴木 亨 (海洋情報研究センター)
A-15 A long-term trend of mean sea level at Syowa Station for the period of 1981-1998:
    館岡 篤志, 道田 豊 (東京大学), 木下 秀樹, 並木正治, 小田巻 実 (海上保安庁)

座長:滝沢 隆俊 (海洋科学技術センター)

A-16 Oceanographic observation under the multi-year ice of the Arctic Ocean using J-CAD
  (JAMSTEC Compact Arctic Drifter):
    菊地 隆, 畠山 清, 島田 浩二, 滝沢 隆俊 (海洋科学技術センター), J. Morison (Univ. of Washington, USA)
A -17 Summer sea ice characteristics of the Chukchi Sea:
    J. Kang (Polar Res. Inst. of China, China)
A-18 On the scaling in the dynamics of drift ice:
    M. Leppäranta (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland)

座長:松山 優治 (東京水産大学)

A-19 Direct observations of dense water formation on the Northwestern Shelf of the Okhotsk Sea:
    Y. Shcherbina (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA), L. Shcherbina and
    D. R. Talley (Univ. of California, USA)
A-20 Sea surface features near Northeastern Sakhalin: Study with satellite synthetic aperture radar imagery:
    V. Dubina and L. Mitnik (V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Inst., Russia)
A-21 Dynamic features of the Soya Warm Current as seen by ERS synthetic aperture radar:
    L. Mitnik, V. Dubina (V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Inst., Russia), 杉森 康宏 (千葉大学)
A-22 Diapicnal entrainment of shelf waters into intermediate depths along the Sakhalin Continental Slope (Sea of Okhotsk):
    V. Sosnin, P. Tishchenko (Pacific Oceanological Inst., Russia) and N. Biebow (Tethys Geoconsulting GmbH, Germany)

座長:J. Kelley (アラスカ大学)

A-23 Environment, stratigraphy and general pattern of sediment deposition in the Sea of Okhotsk
  - Results of the joint German-Russian Project KOMEX:
    N. Biebow (Tethys Geoconsulting GmbH, Germany), R. Tiedemann, D. Nuernberg, A. Kaiser,
    U. Pedersen (GEOMAR Res. Center, Germany) & S. Gorbarenko (Pacific Ocean. Inst., Russia)
A-24 Sea Ice in the glacial Okhotsk Sea: lithological and paleontological constraint:
    L.V. Yur`evich, G. S. Aleksandrovich, A.A. Valerievna (V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Ocean. Inst., Russia),
    R. Tiedemann (GEOMAR Res. Center, Germany) & N. Biebow (Tethys Geoconsulting GmbH, Germany)
A-25 Late Holocene marine environmental changes and its relation to climatic changes in the southwestern
Okhotsk Sea:
    池原研 (産業技術総合研究所), 小森次郎 (東京都立大学), 嶋田智恵子 (国立科学博物館), 片山肇, 野田篤 (産業技術総合研究所)
A-26 Ice scours in the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Basin: dynamics of sea ice break-up:
    J. L. Engels, M. Edwards (Univ. of Hawaii, USA) and L. Polyak (Ohio State Univ., USA)

座長:S. Martin (ワシントン大学)

A-27 Mapping the base of the Arctic Ice Canopy 1: application of seafloor mapping tools:
    R. B. Davis, M. H. Edwards and R. M. Anderson (Univ. of Hawaii, USA)
A-28 Mapping the base of the Arctic Ice Canopy 2: textural and topographic representations:
    M. H. Edwards, R. M. Anderson and R. B. Davis (Univ. of Hawaii, USA)
A-29 Decadal variability, oscillations and trends of the Arctic sea ice during 1950-1990s assessed on the basis of Russian, Canadian and USA sea ice charts:
    V. Smolyanitsky (Arctic & Antarctic Res. Inst., Russia) & J. C. Falkingham (Canadian Ice Service, Canada)
A-30 The variability of sea ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk for the recent 10 years in 1991-2001:
    舘山 一孝 (オホーツク流氷科学研究所), 榎本 浩之, 伊賀 久晃, 熊野 隆史 (北見工業大学)
A-31 Characteristics of sea ice conditions and marine weather conditions in the Sea of Okhotsk in 2001 sea ice season (December 2000 −May 2001) :
    金子 秀毅, 森 一正, 松本 隆則 (気象庁)
A-32 How does the Arctic oscillation affect the Okhotsk sea ice? :
    山本 健太郎, 立花 義裕 (東海大学), 渡邊 達郎(日本海区水産研究所),池田 元美 (北海道大学)
A-33 Relationships between early summer Okhotsk SST and northern hemisphere atmospheric circulations:
    河合 隆繁 (日本大学)
A-34 Thermodynamic structure of the Okhotsk high and its relationship to the dense foggy layer:
    小川 寛子, 立花 義裕 (東海大学), 塩原 真由美, 岩本 勉之 (北海道大学),
    竹内 謙介(地球観測フロンティア), 若土 正暁 (北海道大学)
A-35 Comparative analysis of DMSP SSM/I microwave-based ice information and shipborne observations during the Arctic high-latitude R/V "Akademik Fedorov" cruise in autumn 2000:
    V. Smolyanitsky, S. Frolov (Arctic and Antarctic Res. Inst., Russia) and
    L. T. Pedersen (Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark)
A-36 Analysis of the sea ice floes in the southern Sea of Okhotsk using ADEOS/AVNIR images:
    豊田 威信 (北海道大学), 榎本 浩之 (北見工業大学)
A-37 Ship-based sea ice thickness observations in Lutzow-Holm Bay, Antarctica in the 42nd Japanese Antarctic research expedition:
    宇都 正太郎, 下田 春人, 泉山 耕 (海上技術安全研究所)

座長:深町 康 (北海道大学)

A-38 Underside profile of sea ice on the Okhotsk coast:
    先川 光弘, 山本 泰司, 本間 大輔 (北海道開発土木研究所)
A-39 Sea Ice thickness measurement using stereo images:
    長 幸平, 谷口 悠司, 中山 雅茂, 下田 陽久, 坂田 俊文 (東海大学)
A-40 Modeling of ice cover deformations with respect to various factors: ice thickness and ice surface roughness, inclination of sea level, influence of coasts and non-uniformity of wind patterns:
    Z. Gudkovich and S. Klyachkin (Arctic and Antarctic Res. Inst., Russia)
A-41 Improvement of block-matching estimation for motion analysis of drift ice:
    柳川 和徳, 高木 敏幸 (釧路工業高等専門学校)
A-42 Pack ice routing with the reinforcement learning algorithms using radar images:
    高木 敏幸 (釧路工業高等専門学校), 石川 知保 (海上保安庁), 岡本 孝司 (東京大学)
A-43 Sea freezing forecast system by neural networks:
    石川 知保 (海上保安庁), 高木 敏幸 (釧路工業高等専門学校), 岡本 孝司 (東京大学)
A-44 Dissociation of methane hydrate in the Sea of Okhotsk
 - Survey of dissolved methane concentration in seawater and sea ice:
    佐々木 正史, 遠藤 登, 大橋 直行, 塚原 栄二 (北見工業大学)
A-45 The condition favorable for gas hydrate formation and estimations of gas content in the gas hydrate accumulations of the Okhotsk Sea Region:
    V. Soloviev (All-Russia Res. Inst. for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean, Russia) and
    T. Matveeva (Kitami Inst. of Technology)


座長:廣崎 芳次 (野生水族繁殖センター)

B-1 Time of spawning run and ice-covered waters over the spawning period as factors determining the Okhotsk herring generation productivity:
    R. K. Farkhutdinov and V. A. Belyaev (Khabarovsk Branch of Pacific Res. Fisheries Centre, Russia)
B-2 Changes in the scale of a primary production in the retreat period of sea ice in the Nemuro Strait from 1998 to 2001:
    清水 幾太郎 (さけ・ます資源管理センター), 青田 昌秋, 斉藤 誠一 (北海道大学)
B-3 Distribution and abundance of ice-associated pinnipeds in the southern Sea of Okhotsk:
    水野 文子 (北海道大学), 和田 昭彦 (稚内水産試験場), 石名坂 豪, 服部 薫 (北海道大学), 渡邊 有希子 (帯広畜産大学),
    大泰司 紀之 (北海道大学)
B-4 Appearance of steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and sea ice in the Nemuro Strait, Hokkaido: are they pagophobic?
    石名坂 豪, 星野 広志, 水野 文子, 桜井 泰憲, 大泰司 紀之 (北海道大学)

B-5 アゴヒゲアザラシに見られた環境要因によると思われる摂餌反応:
    小池 俊弘, 廣崎 芳次 ((株)野生水族繁殖センター)
B-6 ゴマフアザラシの新生児の飼料と便との関係:
   中島 章絵, 廣崎 芳次 ((株)野生水族繁殖センター)
B-7 ゴマフアザラシの新生児の餌付き方の違い:
    原 聡美, 廣崎 芳次 ((株)野生水族繁殖センター)
B-8 保護したゴマフアザラシの新生児の治療例:
    角本 千治, 廣崎 芳次 ((株)野生水族繁殖センター)


座長:成田 秀明 (海上技術安全研究所)

C-1 On the relationship of the oil/water interfacial tension and the spread of oil slick under ice cover:
    金野 祥久, 泉山 耕 (海上技術安全研究所)
C-2 Laboratory test on spreading of oil under ice covers:
    泉山 耕, 金野 祥久 (海上技術安全研究所), 堺 茂樹 (岩手大学)
C-3 Simulation of oil spreading under ice cover:
    堺 茂樹, X. Liu (岩手大学), 泉山 耕 (海上技術安全研究所)
C-4 Experimental study on spreading of oil under uneven icesheets:
    荻原 浩二 (北海道大学), 大塚 夏彦 (北日本港湾コンサルタント(株)), 金網 康平 (北海道大学),
    高橋 伸次郎, 米田 克幸 (西村組), 佐伯 浩 (北海道大学)
C-5 Experimental studies of ice cover inhomogeneity:
    A. T. Bekker, S. G. Gomolskiy and A. E. Farafonov (Far Eastern Technical Univ., Russia)
C-6 Properties of decaying first year sea ice: two seasons of field measurements:
    M. Johnston, R. Frederking and G. Timco (Ntl. Res. Council of Canada, Canada)

座長:中澤 直樹 (システム工学研究所)

C-7 Stamukha morphometry:
    G. A. Surkov (Sakhalin Oil and Gas Inst., Russia), S. V. Zemlyuk (JSC "Rosneft-Sakhalin -morneftegas, Russia),
    P.A. Khlebnikov (Sakhalin Oil and Gas Inst., Russia), P. A. Truskov (Sakhalin Energy Investment Co. Ltd., Russia) and
    A. M. Polomoshnov (Sakhalin Oil and Gas Inst., Russia)
C-8 Study on the seismic response characteristics of offshore structures in ice covered seas (comparison between seismic response analytic results and pseudo response test results on the conical structures):
    佐藤 貢一 ((株)田治見エンジニアリングサービス), 八島 信良 ((有)セラミックハウス),
    中西 三和, 安達 洋 (日本大学)
C-9 Statistical analysis of consolidated ridge modeled as re-frozen rubble:
    木岡 信治, 安永 喜勝, 松尾 優子, 佐伯 浩 (北海道大学)
C-10 Experimental study on the strength of the unconsolidated ice rubble:
    安永 喜勝, 木岡 信治, 松尾 優子, 佐伯 浩 (北海道大学)
C-11 Compressive strength of consolidated layer model of ice ridge:
    安永 喜勝, 木岡 信治, 松尾 優子, 佐伯 浩 (北海道大学)

座長:泉山 耕 (海上技術安全研究所)

C-12 Ratio of first-year hummock sails and keels:
    G. A. Surkov (Sakhalin Oil and Gas Inst., Russia), S. V. Zemlyuk (JSC "Rosneft- Sakhalin morneftegas, Russia),
    P. A. Khlebnikov and A. M. Polomoshnov (Sakhalin Oil and Gas Inst., Russia)
C-13 A failure envelope for saline ice in the Brittle regime:
    A. Derradji-Aouat (Ntl. Res. Council of Canada, Canada)
C-14 Economical and environmental evaluation of double acting tanker:
    佐々木 紀幸 (住友重機械工業(株)), J. Laapio, B. Fagerstrom (Fortum Oil and Gas Oy, Finland)
    K. Juurmaa, G. Wilkman (Kvaerner Masa-Yards Arctic Technology, Finland)
C-15 The development of the double acting tanker for ice operation:
    K. Juurmaa, T. Mattsson (Kvaerner Masa-Yards Arctic Technology, Finland),
    佐々木 紀幸 (住友重機械工業), G. Wilkman (Kvaerner Masa-Yards Arctic Technology, Finland)
C-16 Design bases and project evaluation for ice operation:
    G. Wilkman and K. Juurmaa (Kvaerner Masa-Yards Arctic Technology, Finland)
C-17 Supply operations in ice conditions:
    K. Juurmaa and G. Wilkman (Kvaerner Masa-Yards Arctic Technology, Finland)

Poster Session

P-1 Oceanographic atlas of the Bering Sea, Okhotsk Sea and Japan/East Sea on CD-ROM:
    I. D. Rostov, G. I. Yurasov, N. I. Rudyh, V. V. Moroz, E. V. Dmitrieva, V. I. Rostov,
    A. A. Nabiullin, F. F. Khrapchenkov and V. M. Bunin (V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Inst., Russia)
P-2 The analysis of the seasonal variability of upper mixed layer depth in Bering, Japan and Okhotsk Seas:
    F. F. Khraptchenkov and E. V. Dmitrieva (Pacific Oceanological Inst., Russia)
P-3 Research of mechanism of formation of large-scale sea surface temperature anomalies in North-west Pacific:
    A. Bobkov (Saint-Petersburg State Univ., Russia) and V. Y.Tsepelev (Information Weather Center, Russia)
P-4 Validation of mechanisms of formation of large-scale variations in fields of SST derived from the analysis of variability of meteorological parameters:
    A. Bobkov (Saint-Petersburg State Univ., Russia)
P-5 Numerical simulation of local drifting sea ice with smoothed particle hydrodynamics in the Bohai Sea of China:
    J. Shunying and Y. Qianjin (Dalian Univ. of Technology, China)

P-6 Ice conditions in the Bohai Sea of China:
    H. Wu, S. Bai, Y. Liu (Ntl. Marine Environmental Forecast Center, China) and
    Q. Liu (Univ. of Alaska, USA)
P-7 Seasonal variability of the Okhotsk Sea mode water:
    S. V. Gladyshev ( V.I.Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Inst, Russia),
    L. D. Talley (Univ. of California, USA) and M. Wakatsuch (Hokkaido Univ.)
P-8 Analysis of cyclic changes of the Russian Arctic shelf seas ice extent in the twentieth century and assessment of its possible variability for the twenty first century:
    Z. M. Gudkovich and E. G.Kovalev (Arctic and Antarctic Res. Inst., Russia)
P-9 Changes, trends and oscillations in Arctic sea ice in the 20th century based on WMO global digital sea ice data bank and other data:
    V. M. Smolyanitsky (Arctic and Antarctic Res. Inst., Russia) and J. C. Falkingham (Canadian Ice Service, Canada)



氷海の民シンポジウム   =狩 猟=

    佐藤宏之 (東京大学)

     宇仁義和 (斜里町立知床博物館)

公開講座 オホーツク〜ふるさとの海 

『 油汚染と海洋環境 』     司会:村上 隆 (北海道大学スラブ研究センター), 青田 昌秋 (北海道大学流氷研究施設)

    佐々木 邦昭 (海上災害防止センター)
    村瀬 克史 (第一管区海上保安本部)
    竹内 正樹 (北海道総務部)
    赤井 邦男 (紋別市)
    濱田 誠一 (北海道立地質研究所)

『 水産資源の動向 』    司会:丸山 秀佳 (北海道立網走水産試験場資源管理部), 青田 昌秋 (北海道大学流氷研究施設)

    高嶋 孝寛 (北海道立稚内水産試験場)
    丸山 秀佳 (北海道立網走水産試験場)
    宮村 寧二 (北海道立紋別保健所)