開会の辞 永田豊 (オホーツク海氷海研究グループ会長)
座長:村上隆, 青田昌秋 (北海道大学)
アラスカ北極圏における海底油田開発: 誰がリスクを背負うのか [日本語解説付]
George Ahmaogak (アラスカ州ノース・スロープ・パロー郡長)
「ナホトカ」からの警告 -3年前のお年玉-
佐尾 和子(海洋工学研究所)
サハリン沖における油汚染:問題と解決 [日本語解説付]
Erwin Kalinin(サハリン石油天然ガス研究所)
赤井 邦男 (紋別市長)
討 論
座長:小野延雄 (日本雪氷学会会長)
A-1 オホーツク海と地球気候システム
永田豊 (海洋情報研究センター)
A-2 Arctic sea ice climatology for 1950-1994 assessed on the basis of WMO project “Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank”
Vasily Smolyannitsky (Arctic Antarctic Research Institute, Rissia)
A-3 北極海における海氷面積の傾向と振動及び大気の状態
池田元美, J. Wang (北海道大学)
A-4 The changing Arctic ocean-biological implications and interactions
Vera Alexander (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA)
A-5 Evidence of climate change in glacier ice and seabed sediments
John J. Kelley (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA)
B : 氷海中の油汚染問題
座長:北川弘光 (北海道大学)
B-1 Effect of current on oil spreading under ice sheet:
堺茂樹, 花井宏太, 笹本誠, X. D. Liu (岩手大学), 金田成雄, 泉山耕 (船舶技術研究所)
B-2 Penneation of crude oil trapped beneath sea ice sheet to ice:
大塚夏彦 (北日本港湾コンサルタント), N. Usami (北海道大学), 高橋伸次郎, K. Ogiwara (西村組), 佐伯浩 (北海道大学)
B-3 Weathering processes of crude oil:
大塚夏彦 (北日本港湾コンサルタント), N. Usami (北海道大学), K. Oshima (五洋建設), K. Ogiwara, 佐伯浩 (北海道大学)
C : 海氷と油流出・拡散のリモートセンシング
- 座長:西尾文彦 (千葉大学), 青田昌秋 (北海道大学)
C-I 挨拶, 趣旨説明
高木幹男 (東京理科大学), 住明正 (東大気候システム研究センター)
C-2 海洋における油拡散のリモートセンシング
岡本謙一 (通信総合研究所)
C-3 海氷と油汚染の歴史とリモートセンシングの活用
西尾文彦 (千葉大学)
C-4 ナホトカ号油流出と衛星による監視
田中佐 (宇宙開発事業団/EORC)
C-5 合成開口レーダによる海氷と油拡散検出の活用
若林裕之, 山脇弘一 (字宙開発事業団/EORC), 中谷幸廣 (RESTEC), 西尾文彦, 中村和樹 (千葉大学)
C-6 航空機搭載マルチスペクトルスキャナーとマイクロ波放射計による海洋‐海氷状況での油汚汚染の検知の可能性?
長幸平, 中山雅茂 (東海大学), 西尾文彦 (千葉大学)
C-7 油が海氷に与える影響と海氷構造
戸山陽子, 竹本直樹 (北海道教育大学), 西尾文彦 (千葉大学)
C-8 海洋における油拡散の数値モデルと予測
中田喜三郎 (東海大学)
C-9 油流出に対する海洋環境GISの応用
森田一郎, 笹川昭夫 (石油開発環境安全センター), 岡健二(日本海洋生物研究所)
C-l0 ナホトカ号事故を教訓とした油流出事故時の沿岸波監視の在り方
C-11 オホーツク海の流氷・油汚染の予測とその影響について
青田昌秋 (北海道大学)
討 論
座長: 池田元美 (北海道大学)
D-1 Sea ice modeling in the arctic and antarctic research institute
I. Ye. Frolov, Z. M. Gudkovich and S.V. Klyachkin (Arctic and Antarctic Res. Inst., Russia)
D-2 The reduction in the sea-ice in the Sea of Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido 1892-1999
青田昌秋 (北海道大学)
座長:榎本浩之 (北見工業大学)
D-3 統計的手法を用いたオホーツク海の海氷域の1 ヶ月予報
金子秀毅, 西山勝暢, 篠原吉雄, 松本隆則 (気象庁)
D-4 Consideration on origin of marginal sea
中陣隆夫,岩下篤 (東海大学)
D-5 Numerical experiment on air mass transformation and associated sea surface cooling
猪上淳, 川島正行, 藤吉康志 (北海道大学)
D-6 On the modeling of the thickness climatology for the coastal ice in the Sea of Okhotsk
白澤邦男 (北海道大学), Tuomo Saloranta (University of Bergen, Norway) and Matti Leppäranta (University of Helsinki, Finland)
D-7 Mooring measurement of ice thickness and velocity off Yubetsu, Hokkaido
深町康, 水田元太, 大島慶一郎, 青田昌秋, 若土正暁 (北海道大学)
座長:榎本浩之 (北見工業大学)
D-8 RADARSAT SARデータによる紋別沖の海氷の動きと密接度の変化
榎本浩之,広島匠 (北見工業大学), 浦塚清峰 (通信総合研究所)
D-9 衛星搭載マイクロ波放射計データから氷厚を識別するアルゴリズムを用いたオホーツク海海氷変動の観測
舘山一孝, 榎本浩之 (北見工業大学), 西尾文彦 (千葉大学)
D-10 Variability of a polynya on aquatorium of eastern shelf of a Schmidt Peninsula
E.N. Kalinin, V.N. Astafiev and A.M. Polomoshnov (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Inst., Russia)
D-11 Influence of air temperature on ice cover in Chaivo Bay (North-east shelf of Sakhalin)
G.A. Surkov (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Inst., Russia), S.V. Zemliuk (JSC' Rosneft- Sakhalin morneftegaz’, Russia), V.N. Astafiev
and A.M. Polomoshnov (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Inst., Russia)
D-12 On the sea ice properties in the southernmost part of the Sea of Okhotsk by the ship-based observations
宇都正太郎, 下田春人 (船舶技術研究所)
座長:池田元美 (北海道大学)
D-13 宗谷暖流の残差流量を推定する一つの方法
田中伊織 (北海道立中央水産試験場)
D-14 Visualization of mesoscale and small-scale water dynamics in the Okhotsk Sea using satellite images
V. Lobanov, L. Mitnik and V. Dubina (Far Eastern Branch of Russian Acad. of Sci. Russia)
D-15 A comparison of the ice velocity field in the Sea of Okhotsk from model and remote sensing results
Zhilian Wang, Hayley Shen, Hung Tao Shen (Clarkson Univ., USA), 池田元美 (北海道大学), Jeffrey Weaver and
John Heideman (Exxon Mobil Upstream Res. Co., USA)
D-16 Characteristics of ice motion in the Sea of Okhotsk from satellite image analysis
Z. Wang, H. Shen, H.T. Shen (Clarkson Univ., USA), J. Weaver and J. Heideman (Exxon Mobil Upstream Res. Co., USA)
D-17 Multi-frequency polarimetric airborne SAR observations of sea ice in the Sea of Okhotsk
松岡建志, 浦塚清峰, 佐竹誠, 小林達治, 灘井章嗣, 梅原俊彦, 前野英生 (通信総合研究所), 若林裕之 (宇宙開発事業団), 西尾文彦 (千葉大学)
D-18 A lagrangian model for Bohai Sea ice dynamics
Zhilian Wang, Hung Tao Shen (Clarkson Univ., USA), Zhanhai Zhang and
Huiding Wu (National Res. Center for Marine Environ. Forecasts, China)
座長:北川 弘光(北海道大学)
E-1 Strength parameters of first-year hummocks
G. A. Surkov (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Institute, Russia)
E-2 Physico-mechanical parameters of the ice cover offshore north Sakhalin
G. A. Surkov (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Institute, Russia)
E-3 Statistical evaluation of nonuniformity of the Okhotsk sea ice cover
Alexander T. Bekker, Alexander N. Chetyrbotsky (Far East State Technical University, Russia) and
Pavel A. Truskov (Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., Ltd., Russia)
E-4 Evolution of dimensional sizes of ice formations:
Alexander N. Chetyrbotsky (Far East State Technical University, Russia)
E-5 Statistical estimation (rate) of arguments of models thickness of an ice-reinforced overlying state
Alexander N. Chetyrbotsky (Far East State Technical University, Russia)
E-6 Durability of polypropylene composites at frozen sea
櫻井昭男, 前田利雄 (船舶技術研究所)
E-7 Full-scale measurement of structural responses to ice breaker PM "TESHIO" in ice
岡修二, 瀧本忠教, 宇都正太郎 (船舶技術研究所)
E-8 Model-scale measurement of ice load distributionon ice breaker PM "TESHIO"
成田秀明, 泉山耕, 若生大輔 (船舶技術研究所)
E-9 Dynamic interaction between ice floes and a conical offshore structure
加賀美隆明 (日本大学), 佐藤貢一 (田治見エンジニアリングサービス), 中西三和 (日本大学), 八島信良 (サンユテクノス),
安達洋 (日本大学)
F :NOW (ノースウォーター) ポリニヤ
座長:福地光男 (国立極地研究所)
F-1 The international North Water polynya study (NOW): an early synthesis
Louis Fortier, Martin Fortier (Laval Univ., Canada), 福地光男 (国立極地研究所), Y. Gratton (INRS-Eau, Canada),
L. Legendre (Laval Univ., Canada), 小達恒夫 (国立極地研究所)
F-2 Sea ice-atmosphere processes within the North Water Polynya (NOW):
D. G. Barber (University of Manitoba, Canada)
F-3 Pico and nanophytoplankton distribution in the North Water (76-79°N) as estimated by flow cytometry
Serge Demers, Behzad Mostajir, Jose Nina Bouchard, Francesca Vidussi, Christophe Vasseur (Univ. of Quebec, Canada),
福地光男 (国立極地研究所)
F-4 The North Water polynya study: preliminary hydrographic results:
Y. Gratton (INRS-Eau, Canada), H. Melling (Inst. of Ocean Sci., Canada), R. G. Ingram (Univ. of British Columbia, Canada)
and R. F. Marsden (Royal Military College, Canada)
F-5 Climatic and biological forcing of the vertical flux of biogenic particles under first-year ice in the Canadian Arctic in spring
Martin Fortier, Louis Fortier and Louis Legendre (Laval University, Canada)
F-6 Copepod respiration and feeding in the NOW Polynya, 1998
服部寛, 小林はじめ (北海道東海大学), 三瓶真 (専修大学), 高橋一生 (創価大学)
F-7 秋季ノースウォーターポリニアにおける主要カイアシ類数種の代謝活性
高橋邦夫, 高橋一生, 田口哲 (創価大学)
F-8 バフィン湾ポリニア海域に生息する藻類群集のキサントフィルサイクル
林義則,菓子野康浩 (姫路工業大学),鈴木祥弘 (神奈川大学), 小建恒夫, 工藤栄 (国立極地研究所)
F-9 1997-1998年のNOW ポリニア域における粒子下方輸送量の変動
福地光男 (国立極地研究所), 三瓶真, 佐々木洋 (石巻専修大学),菓子野康弘 (姫路工業大学),
工藤栄 (国立極地研究所), B. Hargrave (Bedford Inst., Canada)
F-10 バフィン湾におけるSea WiFS用クロロフィルa 推定アルゴりズム
佐々木宏明, 齊籐誠一 (北海道大学), 平澤亨 (国立極地研究所), Pierre Larouche (Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Canada)
F-11 Physical properties and isotopic characteristic of sea ice in the North Water (NOW) polynya region
河村俊行, 白澤邦男, K. 小日向 (北海道大学)
F-12 Measurements of under-ice turbulent fluxes of momentun and heat in the NOW polynya region
白澤邦男, K. 小日向 (北海道大学)
座長:高橋正征 (東京大学)
G-1 Distribution characteristic of temperature and salinity in the e subarctic North Pacific and statistical parameters which
would be used in a visual quality-control software
小熊幸子, 永田豊, 鈴木亨 (海洋情報研究センタ-), 吉村智一 (パスコ),渡辺秀俊 (三洋テクノマリン), 高杉知 (岩手県水産技術センター)
G-2 The influence of changes in seasonal sea ice cover on the spring bloom in the southeast Bering Sea
Vera Alexander and H. J. Niebauer (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA)
G-3 A new technology for the collection and synthesis of environmental data for the Okhotsk Sea
Vladimir F. Krapivin (Institute of Radioengineering & Electronics, Russia),
John J. Kelley (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA) and 白澤邦男(北海道大学)
G-4 Radiolarian evidence for high mesopelagic productivity in the Sea of Okhotsk
James D. Hays, Joseph Morely (Columbia University, USA) and Susumu Honjo (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
G-5 Initial incorporation of phytoplankton into new sea ice and successive development of ice algal community in Saroma Ko Laoon, Hokkaido, Japan
新村陽子, 石丸隆 (東京水産大学), 田口哲 (創価大学)
G-6 Dose sea ice bring high biological production in early spring?
清水幾太郎 (さけ・ます資源管理センター),青田昌秋 (北海道大学)
座長:Matti Leppäranta (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland)
H-1 Wind forcing on drifting sea-ice during the Baltic air-sea-ice study
Juha Uotila (Finish Institute of Marine Research, Finland)
H-2 Turbulent surface fluxes and air-ice coupling in BASIS
Jouko Launiainen, Cheng Bin, Juha Uotila and Timo Vihma (Finish Inst. of Marine Res., Finland)
座長:Jouko Launiainen (Finish Inst. of Marine Res., Finland)
H-3 On the sea ice dynamics in the coastal zone
Matti Leppäranta (University of Helsinki, Finland)
H-4 Sea ice observation in the Pohja Bay, the Gulf of Finland -Effect of salt on ice structure-
河村俊行,白澤邦男,石川信敬 (北海道大学), A. Lindfors, K. Rasmus, M. Leppäranta (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland),
T. Martma and R. Vaikmae (Tallinn Technical Univ., Finland)
H-5 Changes of the radiation property with sea ice growth in Saroma Lagoon and the Baltic Seas
石川信敬, 滝沢厚詩, 河村俊行, 白澤邦男 (北海道大学), M. Leppäranta (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland)
H-6 Observations and modeling of the surface heat balance in the Weddell Sea
Timo Vihma, Juha Utila, Bin Cheng and Jouko Launiainen (Finish Inst. of Marine Res., Finland)
座長:Matti Leppäranta (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland)
H-7 Some aspects of sea ice and ocean interaction in Spitsbergen fjords
Peter M. Haugan (Univ. of Bergen, Norway)
H-8 Measurement of water level in the ice covered Antarctic costal water
D-Young Lee, Kyung Soo Bahk, Sang.-Ik Kim, Sung.-Nam Seo and Hee-Do Ahn (Korea Ocean Res. and Develop. Inst., Korea)
H-9 Effect of sea ice and storm surge on arctic coasts
John J. Kelley and A. Sathy Naidu (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA)
W : ワークショップ:海底パイプライン
W-l Current state of knowledge and problem definition
Andrew Palmer (Cambridge University, UK)
W-2 Alaskan Arctic pipeline workshop summary
Charles Smith (Minerals Management Service, USA)
■ 氷海中の油汚染
W-3 Behaviour of oil in ice
David Dickins (DF Dickins Associates Ltd., USA)
W-4 Oil spill response in ice infested waters
Jim McHale (Alaska Clean Seas, USA)
■ 海底に残された記録
W-5 Ice scour morphology, degradation processes and seabed impact rates, Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island, Canadian Central Arctic
Steve Blasco (Geological Survey of Canada, Canada)
W-6 Seashore morphology and lithodynamic of the north-east Sakhalin coast
G. A. Surkov, A. M. Polomoshnov (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Institute, Russia),
S. V. Zemluk (JSC “Rosneft” Sakhalinmorneftegaz", Russia), V. N. Astafiev (Sakhalin Oil & Gas Institute, Russia),
Y. A. Mikishin, V. F. Ribokov, P. F. Brovko (Far-East State University, Russia) and
P. A. Truskov (Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., Russia)
W-7 Can seabed gouge survey data be applied to prediction of maximum depths of ice keel penetration?
I. Stepanov (Arctic & Antarctic Research Institute, Russia)
W-8 Measuring sub-scour soil displacements in different soil types using examples from the geological record
C.M.T. Woodworth-Lynas (PETRA International, Canada)
■ 海氷の限界
W-9 Crushing failure during ice-structure interaction
Devinder Sodhi (CRREL, USA)
W-l0 Ice imposed limits to ice scouring
Ken Croasdale, R. McKenna and R. Phillips (Memorial Univ. Newfoundland, Canada)
W-11 Behavior of ridge ice at the time of ice scouring
木岡信治, Y. Yasunaga (北海道大学), H. Nishimaki (島田建設), 佐伯浩 (北海道大学)
W-12 Comparison of ice strength and scour resistance
Jack Clark, R. Phillips and F. Zhu (C-CORE, Canada)
W-13 Discrete element simulation of ridge keel resistance during scouring
M. Lau, R. McKenna and Ryan Phillips (C-CORE, Canada)
W-14 Deformation analysis of strain-rate sensitive clays subject to ice-scouring via Schwartz-Christoffel transform
A. Foriero (Laval University, Canada) and A. von Keviczky (Concordia University, Canada)
■ パイプラインの考察
W-15 Method a choice of an optimum burial depth profile of underwater pipelines on the north-east shelf of Sakhalin
G.A. Surkov (Sakhalin Oil and Gas Inst., Russia)
W-16 Response of buried Arctic marine pipelines to ice scour events
S. Kenny, Ryan Phillips, R. McKenna and J. Clark (C-CORE, Canada)
W-17 Welding challenges for strain-based design:
R. Gordon, J. Hammond and Greg Swank (Alaska State Pipeline Coordinators Office, USA)
■ 討 論 座長:池田元美 (北海道大学),Jack Clark (Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, Canada) and
Andrew Palmer (Cambridge Univ., UK)
Poster Session
P-1 Conjunction of hydrometeorological fields as criterion of estimation of synoptic variability of a regime of aquatorium of the south of the Okhotsk Sea -Part1.Synoptic variability of baric situations
Andrew A. Bobkov (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia)
P-2 Conjunction of hydrometeorological fields as criterion of estimation of synoptic variability of a regime of aquatorium of the south of the Okhotsk Sea -Part2.Conjunction of baric and oceanological fields
Andrew A. Bobkov (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia)
P-5 Diurnal internal tides in the Okhotsk Sea and their influence on the environment
L. Bashmatchnikov Igor (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia)
P-6 The cell water circulation induced by existence of the great Siberian flaw polynya (Laptev Sea)
I. Omitrenko (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia), J. Hoelemann (Research Center for Marine
Geosciences, Russia), K. Tyshko, V. Churun (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia) and
H. Kassens (Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Russia)
P-7 Ichthyoplancton of Laperusa Strait and adjacent regions in August, 1999
O.N Moukhametova and I.N. Moukhametov (Sakhalin Res. Inst. of Fishery and Oceanography, Russia)
P-8 A reason of desalting of waters in the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk in spring
Lev P. Yakunin, Marina G. Ognyova and Anton K. Skorupsky (Far East State University, Russia)
P-9 Spreading first-year ice in the Sea of Japan
L. P. Yakunin (Far Eastern State University, Russia)
P-10 Distribution of one-years ice in the Japanese Sea.
L. P. Yakunin (Far Eastern State University, Russia)
P-12 The character of the long-term cyclic processes in the atmosphere above the Sea of Okhotsk near the earth surface
Y. B. Damitskiy, Y. M. Petruk, Y. D. Sorokin (The Pacific Research Fisheries Centre, Russia)
P-13 Long-period changes of maximum wind speed and its connection with forms of atmospheric circulation
L. N. Vasilevskia
P-14 Conference topics Okhotsk Sea and sea ice –Features of a biology, ecology and status of Sablefish (Anoplopoma Fimbria) of the Asian waters of Pacific Ocean
N. P. Novikov (Dalribvtus, Russia), V. N. Tuponogov (The Pacific Res. Fisheries Centre, Russia)
P-16 Oceanographic Retrospective Analysis of the Zooplankton Population Inhabitation Conditions at the South-West Sakhalinin 20th Century
Gennady A. Kantakov (Sakhalin Research Institute of the Fishery & Oceanography, Russia
P-17 Tide-induced deformation of ice fields on the Northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island
Eugeny Morozov (Envirnomental Company of Sakhalin, Russia), Elena Tikhonchuk and
George Shevchenko (Institute of Marine Geology & Geophysics, Russian Academy of Science, Russia)