Submission Information for OSPOR
Reviewing processes of OSPOR
- 1) When manuscripts have been received by the Editor-in-Chief, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to
- the author(s) by e-mail. The Editor-in-Chief chooses an editor to handle the manuscript review.
- 2) The submitted manuscript will be subjected to screening review for its scope, novelty, completeness, English
- level, and conformation to the OSPOR policy. A manuscript not passing the screening review will immediately
- be returned to the authors.
- 3) The editor in charge will select expert reviewers to evaluate the manuscript.
- 4) As to results of review, if the editor decides that the paper needs revision by the author(s), the manuscript
- will be returned to the author(s) for revision.
- 5) Manuscripts returned to author(s) for revision should be resubmitted promptly. If the revision cannot be
- finished within a month, the manuscript will be regarded as having been withdrawn.
- 6) The Editor-in-Chief will finally decide whether to accept the manuscript for publication.
Paper Submission
Submission Guideline
- All manuscripts should be submitted in digital format (PDF or WORD) with the OSPOR submission sheets (PDF or WORD, offered from OSPOR) by email to the OSPOR Editorial Board
OSPOR Editorial Board
- Polar Oceans Research Association (OSPORA).
- Address: Kaiyo Koryukan, 1 Kaiyo Koen, Mombetsu, Hokkaido 094-0031 Japan E-mail: momsys(at)
- Phone: +81-158-26-2810 (0158-26-2810 in Japan)
- Fax: +81-158-26-2812 (0158-26-2812 in Japan)
Publication Charge
- Authors of their institutions are requested to pay the publication charge according to the following rate when paper is accepted. The maximum pages are 6 pages.
- 1,500 Yen / page within the maximum pages
- 3,000 Yen / page over the maximum pages (Excess charge)
- Authors of their institutions are requested to pay the publication charge according to the following rate when paper is accepted. The maximum pages are 6 pages.
- Copyright for an article submitted to OSPOR is transferred to OSPORA when the article is published in OSPOR in any form.
Preparation of manuscripts
- The manuscript should be formatted in the form of OSPOR template offered from the OSPORA office, which satisfies the following requirements. The maximum pages in printing style are 6 pages. Otherwise, an overage fee will be charged.
- 1) Text
- a) The manuscript should be in the international size A4 in camera-ready style according to the form of
- OSPOR template.
- b) The first page should include: the title, the author(s) name(s) and their affiliations. If possible, a Japanese
- translation of the title and the name(s) of the author(s) should be provided in the end of manuscript.
- If they are not, the translation will be undertaken by the OSPOR editorial board.
- c) An abstract not exceeding 250 words must be provided.
- d) Up to five keywords that describe the content for indexing purposes must be provided.
- 1) Text
- 2) References
- a) A list of cited references should be arranged alphabetically. Journal abbreviations are better to use, but
- when the abbreviation is not known, the full title of the journal should be used in the list.
- In the case of many authors, the author name can be written in short as below.
- Kawamura, K., F. Parennin and 16 co-authors (2007): Northern hemisphere forcing of climatic cycles in Antarctica over the past 360,000 years. Nature, 448, 912-916.
- b) References in the text will include the name(s) of the author(s), followed by the year of publication in
- parentheses, e.g. (Clark, 2003), (Li and Sturm, 2002),(Harrison et al., 2001).
- 2) References
- 3) Units
- Numerical units should conform to the International System (SI). Units should be in the form as kg m-3 not as kg/m3.
- 3) Units
- 4) Tables
- A title and a short explanation should be located on the top of table.
- They should be referred to in the text.
- 4) Tables
- 5) Figures
- a) All Figures (illustrations and photographs) should be numbered consecutively.
- b) All Figures should be of good quality and referred to in the text.
- c) Figure captions should be located on the bottom of the Figures.
- 5) Figures
- 6) More information
- For more information about manuscript instruction, please ask to OSPORA office or see OSPORA home page in
- 6) More information
- Recent information
- Resent information can be get from Symposium HP: